In the land of blog posting is a sign of life. This week has escaped me as we installed the exhibition system08 in the brand new gallery. I want to spend some time thinking about this project as it reflects a hands on laboratory based teaching style that I want to develop further. In many ways I operated as a curator for the show, but in usual curatorial situations the artists involved have experience installing and thinking through all the possibilities for public engagement with their work. In the case of system08 we learnt as we did. I have previous written a paper about the integration of theory and practice in digital media (it can be found in scope:art:2 ) and this project felt like another step in the process for me.
this post is a place holder for these things, so I'm creating a list:
1. system08 as a model and as a practice
2. writing up haraway's situated knowledges as a framework for critical teaching.
3. writing up the reading on new pedagogy I've been doing.
4. thinking about presentation strategies/ engagement with tools and models
5. opening up this blog a little more to analytical processes.
Here is a photo lifted from the odt of the opening of system08. On either side of Bridie and I are two senoir students who presented a very sophistacated performance/ surveillance piece. They were engaging directly with power relations and the assumption of uniform behaviours under public surveillance. So good that one polite visitor asked Mishca "waht do you do when you are not a security guard?" answer "I'm an artist!"
digital, noise, utopian matters
Thursday, March 19, 2009
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11:03 AM